Before learn about Strategies in Interpreting, you may read tips for interpreting.
The strategies in interpreting are:
b. Salami Technique
c. Simplification
d. Generalization
e. Omission
f. Summarizing
g. Anticipation
h. Error correction
i.Metaphors and sayings techniques
l. Incomplete Sentence Strategy
The strategies in interpreting are:
a. Reformulation
Aim to convey the speakers’ messages as faithfully as
possible. Interpreters have to reformulate the wordings of their speakers.
b. Salami Technique
long, and complicated sentences are
divided into a number of shorter sentences
c. Simplification
First, interpreters may not be able to cope with all the
highly technical material in the speech, so they simplify it to save what they
can. Second, interpreters may be able to cope with all the technical material
but rendering it without any simplification may leave the audience confused.
d. Generalization
A number of specific items mentioned can be expressed in one
generic term
e. Omission
Interpreters will have to omit things.
f. Summarizing
It is Explanation from the interpreter’s part to make the
speaker’s ideas clear to the audience.
g. Anticipation
when the interpreter makes a prediction about what is going
to appear in the source text.
h. Error correction
interpreters make clear mistakes for many different reasons
such as wrong anticipation, not hearing a word at all, misunderstanding the speaker’s
implicit ideas, or misunderstanding a word or a phrase
i.Metaphors and sayings techniques
j. Trans-coding
k. Code-switching
l. Incomplete Sentence Strategy
Unfinished messages due to unfinished rendition
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