

Words about labor and migration. Abbreviation and Acronym of labor and migration need to know. here are the abbreviation and acronym of labor and migration:

  1. ASEAN : Association of Southeast Asian Nations 
  2. AKAD : Antar Kerja Antar Daerah (Interprovincial Labour Placement Program) 
  3. AKAN : Antar Kerja Antar Negara (International Labour Placement Program) 
  4. BNP2TKI : Badan Nasional Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (The National Authority for the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers) 
  5. BP3TKI : Balai Pelayanan Penempatan dan Perlindungan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (Agency for the Service, Placement and Protection of Indonesian Overseas Workers) 
  6. Colombo Process Also known as the Ministerial Consultations for Asian Labour Sending Countries 
  7. EFMA : Employment of Foreign Manpower Act (Singapore) 
  8. EOP : Employers’ Orientation Programme (Singapore) 
  9. FAST : Foreign Domestic Worker Association for Skills Training (Singapore) 
  10. FMMD: Foreign Manpower Management Division (Singapore Government Ministry of Manpower) 
  11. FOMEMA: Foreign Workers’ Medical Examination Monitoring Agency (Malaysia) 
  12. GCC : Gulf Cooperation Council 
  13. GFMD Global Forum on Migration and Development 
  14. G-to-G: government-to-government 
  15. HOME: Humanitarian Organization for Migration Economics (NGO) (Singapore) 
  16. ILO: International Labour Organization 
  17. Kafeel system: Kuwait’s foreign worker sponsorship system 
  18. KBRI : Kedutaan Besar Republik Indonesia (Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia) 
  19. KHRS: Kuwaiti Human Rights Society (NGO) (Kuwait)
  20. KTKLN: Kartu Tenaga Kerja Luar Negeri (Overseas Workers Card)
  21. LMRA: Labour Market Regulatory Authority (Bahrain) 
  22. MoU: Memorandum of Understanding 
  23. MWC: Migrant Workers’ Centre (Singapore) 
  24. NTUC: National Trade Union Congress (Singapore) 
  25. NOC: No Objection Certi­cate, issued by the Kuwaiti Ministry of Social A‑airs and Labour (Kuwait) 
  26. OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development 
  27. PRT: Pekerja Rumah Tangga (Domestic Migrant Worker) 
  28. RELA: Ikatan Relawan Rakyat Malaysia (People’s Voluntary Corps is a paramilitary civil volunteer corps formed by the Malaysian Government. Their main duty is to check the travel and immigration documents of foreigners in Malaysia, including tourists and migrants, to reduce the increasing rate of irregular migration in Malaysia.) 
  29. SAC: Safety Awareness Course (Singapore) 
  30. SBMI: Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Union) 
  31. SUHAKAM: Suruhanjaya Hak Asasi Manusia Malaysia (The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia) 
  32. TKI: Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (Overseas Migrant Worker/Labour Migrants) 
  33. TWC2: Transient Workers Count Too (NGO) (Singapore) 
  34. UNDHR: Universal Declaration of Human Right
Those are the words and terms about labor migration. Hope it'll help you.

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